
Health Promotion and Disease Management: A Big Picture View

While living longer is in itself a very positive phenomena, population aging in the United States and around the world creates great challenges in terms of social demands and economic burden. Advanced age can bring with it multiple chronic illnesses and disabilities. In order to maintain the health and well-being of older adults and seniors, a focus on health promotion and disease management is needed.

What Is Health Promotion?

Health promotion is meant to be applied to an entire population of adults....

Chronic Illness and Spirituality

Chronic Illness and Spirituality

Many people living with a chronic illness may struggle with everyday tasks, relationships, careers and even their faith. While receiving care or treatment from healthcare providers, they may feel like they are being viewed not as a whole person, but as a diagnosis. Dealing with one’s chronic condition and the many stressors it may be associated with can significantly impair coping abilities. Some will turn to spirituality to find strength, peace and the ability to live their best life with...

Keeping Your Nervous System Healthy

Keeping Your Nervous System Healthy

Who ever thinks about keeping their nervous system healthy? We all learned about it in biology class either in high school or college, but when’s the last time you seriously thought about it as something that needs attention and nutrition? The nervous system is critical to our health and existence but it may only be when our nervous system isn’t so healthy (feelings of irritability, fatigue, pain and decreased mental acuity) that we pay attention. Luckily, there are lots of...