
Healthy Eating in Later Life: Eliminate Inflammatory Foods

Healthy Eating in Later Life: Eliminate Inflammatory Foods

There is an exciting new field called New Biology and it is turning what we thought we knew about food, diet and nutrition upside down! Concepts from this new line of thinking are particularly important as we age and focus mainly on not eating for caloric intake, but instead feeding our gut bacteria the nutrients they need to thrive. It also pays attention to inflammatory versus anti-inflammatory foods. Eating healthy later in life means paying attention to the foods that cause...

CBD Topicals

Introduction to CBD Topicals

CBD topicals come in a variety of forms including lotions, creams, sprays, roll-ons, and balms. They all essentially work the same way; the main difference is in their application. Lotions and creams go on smoothly and leave little residue on the skin. Sprays are meant to be rubbed into the skin and roll-ons and balms require a more thorough massage around a muscle or joint. CBD topicals work by entering skin cell walls and interacting with CB2 receptors, which are...

Dr. Jim Collins discusses health and wellness for older adults on the eHealth Radio Show

Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Jim Collins discuss the following: Why did I choose to spend my career focusing on adult health and wellness for those age 50 and beyond? What are the main ingredients to healthy and independent living beyond 50? What are the differences between marijuana or cannabis and CBD? How does CBD work or make a difference in physical or emotional health? How can adults better cope with the stressors and isolation related to COVID-19?