
Achieving Better Neurological Health Through Mind-Body Medicine

Achieving Better Neurological Health Through Mind-Body Medicine

Studies in neuroepidemiology report that over 40% of American adults diagnosed with common neurological conditions like headaches, migraines, back pain, stroke, and seizures use complementary and alternative medicine. Mind-body therapies are the most commonly used including deep breathing exercises, mediation, relaxation techniques and yoga. The exciting news is that they work.

Mind-Body Therapies: A Quick Introduction

Mind-body therapies are a form of complementary and alternative medicine which are designed to enhance the mind’s ability to positively impact functions and symptoms of the...

3 Steps to Better Nutrition in Later Life

3 Steps to Better Nutrition in Later Life

While good nutrition is important at every age, it becomes even more important as we age. Healthy eating isn’t just about keeping our bodies in good shape. It can greatly influence our thoughts, emotions, and social lives. Nutritional wellness is not about dieting or sacrificing your favorite foods or beverages. It’s more about enjoying great food that is fresh and flavorful, packed with important nutrients, and enjoyed with those you love.

Why You Should Care about Nutrition in Later Life

If you’re...

Financial Wellness in Later Life

Financial Wellness in Later Life

It’s never too soon to begin planning for financial security for later life and retirement. In fact, the sooner the better! But financial wellness doesn’t just happen on its own. It takes setting goals, planning, commitment and money. Less than half of Americans know how much they will need to live comfortably in their later years. Almost a third of older adults currently employed who are offered a 401k plan do not participate in it. Putting money away now is important...