
Anger's Role in Unhappiness and How to Remedy It

Anger’s Role in Unhappiness and How to Remedy It

Everyone knows somebody who is unhappy due to underlying anger issues that cannot be resolved. It is well known that anger is a primary symptom of unhappiness and can express itself as frustration, hostility, rage and at times, revenge. Anger and unhappiness are directly associated with poor health and accelerated aging, especially when the anger is suppressed or unexpressed. How does anger and unhappiness affect health and wellness? The Buddha puts it this way – “Holding onto anger is like grasping...

CBD and Arthritis: In the Words of the Arthritis Foundation

CBD is used for many reasons, but among older adults in the United States, it is primarily used to treat arthritis and chronic joint pain. This got the attention of the Arthritis Foundation which conducted a survey of 2,600 individuals and found that 79% are currently using CBD, have used it in the past or are considering using it soon to help manage their arthritis pain. Since CBD appears to be safe and helpful for certain types of pain, the Arthritis...

Create Your Ideal Exercise Routine

Create Your Ideal Exercise Routine

Exercise is important at every stage of life, but becomes vital as we age for optimum health and wellness. Beyond obvious physical benefits, exercise is also associated with psychological and emotional health. A practical and effective exercise program depends on personal preferences, physical abilities, and one’s schedule. Various types of exercise include a warm up, aerobic, resistance, flexibility, and balance exercises and a cool down. Each type has its benefits, particularly for older adults. Each type has also been found to...