Living Longer and Stronger

Importance of Spirituality

The Importance of Spirituality on Physical and Emotional Health

For many people around the world, from many cultures, faith and spirituality are deeply associated with health and healing. In the Western world, science has dominated medicine until very recently. We are now though more seriously examining the intimate connection between medicine and spirituality. Spirituality appears to be very beneficial for good mental and physical health. Research shows that people who are more religious or spiritual, and use their spirituality or religion to cope with life, experience numerous benefits to...

Healthy Eating in Later Life: Eliminate Inflammatory Foods

Healthy Eating in Later Life: Eliminate Inflammatory Foods

There is an exciting new field called New Biology and it is turning what we thought we knew about food, diet and nutrition upside down! Concepts from this new line of thinking are particularly important as we age and focus mainly on not eating for caloric intake, but instead feeding our gut bacteria the nutrients they need to thrive. It also pays attention to inflammatory versus anti-inflammatory foods. Eating healthy later in life means paying attention to the foods that cause...

Staying Happy at Work

Staying Happy at Work

While staying happy at work is important, work itself is associated with numerous positive physical and mental benefits. Navigating the social norms, customs and culture of the workplace helps to keep the brain active and healthy. Listening to the opinions of others and empathizing with their needs also activates networks throughout the brain. Researchers have also found that social engagement at work helps maintain brain functions and protects against cognitive decline later in life. Staying happy at work means finding and...