Living Longer and Stronger

10 Ways to Maximize Mental Health in Later Life

10 Ways to Maximize Mental Health in Later Life

Mental health is important at every stage of life from the time we’re young, throughout middle age and into our senior years. Mental health doesn’t just encompass emotions like anxiety or depression, but instead represents one’s overall emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

Why Is Mental Health So Important?

Mental health affects just about every aspect of life including how we think, feel and respond to stress. Our state of mental health gives us either an upper hand in coping or it takes...

5 Steps to Healthy Aging

5 Steps to Healthy Aging

We are all growing older by the minute - it’s just a fact of life. And as we age, there will be new challenges to face like making career transitions, retiring partially or fully, watching our children leave for college or move out on their own, losing friends and loved ones along the way and dealing with some health issues. Despite such challenges, we can continue to grow, flourish, and enjoy life satisfaction. Here’s how.

Step 1: Find Your Methods of...

How to Age Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

How to Age Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Many people may not stop and think about health and finances as being intimately tied together, but in fact, they are and in several ways. Our goals should be to live as healthy as possible with as many resources as possible. Our health affects our bottom line and how we handle money affects our health. Being terribly ill can drain our resources and having chronic money problems can make us sick. We live our lives paying attention to so many things...