Living Longer and Stronger

Health Benefits of Grandparenting

Health Benefits of Grandparenting

Society has changed in many ways and one of them is putting off having children until later in life. This means the average age of Americans becoming grandparents for the first time is increasing, creating a larger generation gap between grandchildren and grandparents. Despite these trends, numerous studies show that being a grandparent has its benefits, both psychologically as well as physically. In general, people who truly enjoy their grandparent role report feeling younger, believe that people become old at older...

Retirement and the “Busy Ethic”

Retirement and the “Busy Ethic”

When asked “What keeps you happy during your retirement”, many people may respond “I stay busy”. While there are those who will want to relax and take it easy, millions or retirees find satisfaction and happiness in maintaining a busy and active lifestyle. But, it’s not good enough to just stay busy. Retirement can be fulfilling through remaining busy in meaningful and purposeful ways. In general, staying busy can mean being active, engaged and having variety in later life. How many...

Living Longer and Stronger with the Longevity Diet

Living Longer and Stronger with the Longevity Diet

For too many years, we’ve heard the so-called professionals say that we’re all going to grow old, get sick and die, and there was nothing we could do about it. Thanks to newer and better science, this thought has been put to rest. According to The New Biology, how we age is mainly up to us and the decisions we make each and every day, and a great place to start is what we eat and don’t eat. Biochemist Valter Longo,...