Living Longer and Stronger

The Power of Gratitude in Later Life

The Power of Gratitude in Later Life

Sometimes life is so busy that we fail to stop, take a look around and think about all of the things we should be grateful for. Gratitude doesn’t just make us reflect and feel good about our lives, it actually has benefits to both physical and mental health. Some psychologists believe that gratitude and thinking like an appreciative older adult can lead to greater life satisfaction and happiness. Younger people tend to look to the future and have more survival goals...

Are People Really Happier at Older Ages?

Are People Really Happier at Older Ages?

The short answer is yes. Here’s why. Older adults become very selective about what they choose to focus on and spend their energy on. They also simply choose to be happy by focusing on happy events and positive people in their lives. By focusing on the positive things in life, older adults are happier than their younger counterparts. Older adults also engage in selective memory and “pull out” more positive emotional information from their memories. It’s as if they had a...

Health Benefits of Naps

Health Benefits of Naps

Many experts now agree that taking regular naps is like adding icing to the cake. In other words, those who take cat naps, between 10 to 90 minutes, add more health benefits to an already good night’s sleep. And, it’s good to know that over 34% of Americans nap regularly, so you don’t have to feel guilty! Short naps are good for the brain. They enhance productivity, memory, cognition, daytime and night alertness, and learning. Studies have demonstrated that people who...